Currently, Luchadores have 5 slots for wearables, which provides some boosts according to its rarity.


1st Piñata party in partnership with Cometh

<aside> 💡 The bonus stat is chosen by the player and linked to the Luchador. As long as the item is equipped the bonus is maintained, if the item is removed, the bonus is lost and if the player, later, re-equips this item, the boost is applied again, it is possible to change it by respecialising for 1 LUCHA per stat.


Scarcity & bonuses

In wearables have 5 rarities : common, uncommon, rare, epic & legendary. Depending on the rarity you get a reward bonus, but also 1 up to 2 more match per day you are fullset.

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> COMMON


Common items have 55.55% drop rate, 11,11% per item Each common item provide +5% bonus reward in ranked leagues Fullset bonus allow to play 1 more match per day

To get "common bonus" your Luchador must wear a common wearable (or rarely) in each available slot

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> UNCOMMON


Uncommon items have 27.77% drop rate, 5,55% per item Each common item provide +10% bonus reward in ranked leagues Fullset bonus allow to play 1 more match per day

To get the uncommon bonus your Luchador must wear an uncommon wearable (or rarely) in each available slot

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> RARE


Rare items have 11.11% drop rate, 2.22% per item Each common item provide +15% bonus reward in ranked leagues Fullset bonus allow to play 1 more match per day

To get the rare bonus your Luchador must wear a rare wearable (or rarely) in each available slot

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> EPIC


Epic items have 4.44% drop rate, 0.88 % per item Each common item provide +20% bonus reward in ranked leagues Fullset bonus allow to play 2 more matches per day

To get the epic bonus your Luchador must wear an epic wearable (or rarely) in each available slot

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> LEGENDARY


Legendary items have 1.11% drop rate, 0.22% per item Each common item provide +25% bonus reward in ranked leagues Fullset bonus allow to play 2 more matches per day