Currently, Luchadores have 5 slots for wearables, which provides some boosts according to its rarity.


1st Piñata party in partnership with Cometh


Depending on the rarity you get a reward bonus, but also max stack Energy from 1 up to 5 more match per week with fullset


<aside> 🧪 Collections can be mixed Wearing 3 Aztec items and 2 Pilots items on the 5 slots gives the bonus set Bonus fullset are based on the lowest rarity item of the set Wearing fullset (5/5 items) with of 2 uncommon & 3 rare items bring: Earning +65% - (2 x 10% + 3 x 15%) Energy +2 per week - Uncommun fullset bonus



In wearables have 5 rarities : common, uncommon, rare, epic & legendary

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> COMMON


Common items have 55.55% drop rate, 11,11% per item Each common item provide +5% bonus reward in ranked leagues Fullset bonus allow to play 1 more match per week

To get "common bonus" your Luchador must wear a common wearable (or rarely) in each available slot

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> UNCOMMON


Uncommon items have 27.77% drop rate, 5,55% per item Each common item provide +10% bonus reward in ranked leagues Fullset bonus allow to play 2 more match per week

To get the uncommon bonus your Luchador must wear an uncommon wearable (or rarely) in each available slot

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> RARE


Rare items have 11.11% drop rate, 2.22% per item Each common item provide +15% bonus reward in ranked leagues Fullset bonus allow to play 3 more match per week

To get the rare bonus your Luchador must wear a rare wearable (or rarely) in each available slot

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> EPIC


Epic items have 4.44% drop rate, 0.88 % per item Each common item provide +20% bonus reward in ranked leagues Fullset bonus allow to play 4 more matches per week