You can stake ERC20 LUCHA tokens to earn MASKS at a 1:1 ratio every 24 hours.

First you must approve the staking contract to transfer your LUCHA tokens.

MASK are a non-transferrable item that have no financial value and only exist in the ecosystem

MASKS will be used to boost your Luchador stats and purchase ERC1155 piƱatas

What to do with your $MASK

Train your Luchador

After the release of the Liga Mayo, you will be able to burn MASK to get scrolls ****and train your Luchador. ****Trainings are the fuel of the Luchadores, they must train regularly to maintain their athletic performances and honor the Lucha Libre


You can burn your MASK to participate in the next pinatas and try to win wearables.

Prodigy System

When we determine that the demand for Luchadores is large enough and there is room for sustainable growth, you will be able to spend MASK & LUCHA on the Prodigy System