Luchadores have a reputation score which is used to find appropriate opponents and changes based on your battle results
The matchmaking system present you with a handful of opponents that you can attack.
Use your experience and knowledge to select the best opponent for you to take on - stats distribution and skills will be the most important factors in deciding which Luchador is victorious!
As your Luchadores reputation increases, you climb the leaderboard will earn more LUCHA from winning battles and face stronger opponents :
The yield and reputation gained is relative to your ranking and your opponent's ranking
<aside> 🥸 Aguacate 🥑 winning vs Pimiento 🌶️ earn : (3 + 10) / 2 = 6.5 $LUCHA
<aside> 🧑🏾💻 If you love technical details you can read about the ELO rating algorithm we get inspired: